Data Visualization(05/2015 - 08/2015)


Data Cleaner | Tableau Story Builder | UX Design


0-1 projects | Tableau | Data visualization | Ideation

Discover potential markets and preferred features for product managers in the game industry

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Project Background

In order to create a popular profitable game, product manager needs to make strategic decision in terms of the potential markets and game genre. Product manager has to do a research by collecting data first and analyzing these data themselves, which consumes their time and can not guarantee a wise decision. Currently, there is no an integrated solution to assist product manager to do this.


Tableau is an useful data visualization tool. However, there are some limitations in the format of the data visualization.


I created a visualization tool for product managers of video games. The interactive dashboards facilitate exploration and decision-making of product managers in the video game industry. I used Tableau’s Story function to show three visualizations. The product manager’s main goal of using this visualization is to see world economic data, learn about gamers' preferences, and figure out profitable game designs.


65 Respondents, 70% people enjoy traveling solo
The problems they meet are:  • Lacking a sense of safet  • The safety situation of the place  • The trustworthiness of the travel companions
• Feeling alone • Higher Expense

task Flow

4 Scenarios, 36 ideas, 45 Tasks


Identifying Datasets

We found a dataset of The Big Five Personalities and the innovative theory of 5 genres of the game design, proposed by the game designer Jason VandenBerghe. I pitched the idea to develop a data visualization to inform decision-making in terms of potential markets of the video game design and features. I gained the approval from other team members.

Next, we thought the economic data is the first step to look at because it provides information about the purchasing power. Thus, we found the World Economy Dataset.

We combined the two datasets and analyzed, cleared and imported the data into Tableau.

Competitive Analysis

I conducted a wide range of competitive analyses among the data visualizations of which information can be used by product managers to decide the potential market for video games. I found the following problems:

The game genres are not consistent across different visualizations.

There is no current visualization that integrates comprehensive economic data, such as purchasing power for a product manager to make a solid strategic decision.

These visualizations only show superficial information which cannot provide further insights.


Based on the available parameters in the dataset and persona,  I brainstormed the solution with my team and sketched out solutions in different formats that take different parameters in to consideration. The challenge I met here is to figure out the best valuable combination of the parameters and figure out the most straightforward convey of information.




Storyboard Interface Design Created in Tableau

1. Map as a filter for country and regions

2. GDP implies the purchasing power of the country and region

3. Cell phone & internet usage offers information for mobile game market

4. Tariff rate provides information for expense on tariff

1. Map as a filter for countries and regions

2. Graphs shows the acivity level in the digital world of male and female at different ages

3. Graphs display the preferences for 5 domains of the games

1. Map as a filter for countries and regions

2. Graphs show the motivation and characteristics of the gamers in this preferred game domain

3. Graphs display the details of related behaviors and attitudes

4. Suggested game design direction